The Eighth BCS Is Out...UGA #15

1. Oklahoma
2. Florida
3. Texas
4. Alabama
5. USC
6. Utah
7. Texas Tech
8. Penn State
9. Boise State
10. Ohio State
15. UGA
Did the system get it right? In one man's opinion, no it did not. While I have no beef seeing the Gators in the Championship game (well, I mean I do not WANT to see them there, trust me, but based on merit they should be unfortunately) I must say that like UGA last year, Texas got the short end of the stick.
Last time I checked, Texas also lost one game all year, on the last play of a stretch of four games in which they played FOUR STRAIGHT TOP 11 Teams (Missouri was ranked #11, hence I did not say Top 10, but still an arduous schedule). They BEAT #1 Oklahoma by double digits (10) on a NEUTRAL FIELD. As mentioned on the blog last week, under any other three-way tie-breaker scenario used by other conferences, Texas would have been the one who would have been playing in the Big 12 Championship Saturday night and if the regular season is any indicator (which by the way, Texas thumped Missouri 56-21) Texas would be in the National Championship game.
But, this is the system we have. It is without question, extremely flawed and really has only produced the right championship matchup only a few times in its dubious 10-year history. This is the same system that one year says that in order to be able to play in the National Title you MUST win your conference, but yet the following year is very willing to send a team that did not (aka Texas this year if Oklahoma had been upset by Missouri Saturday night).
Anyways, here is the rest of the BCS lineup:
Rose Bowl
#8 PSU vs. #5 USC
Orange Bowl
#12 Cincinnati vs. #19 Virginia Tech
Sugar Bowl
#6 Utah vs. #4 Alabama
Fiesta Bowl
#3 Texas vs. #10 Ohio State
Last, but not least, as I have said for quite some time now, UGA will be playing BCS ranked #18 Michigan State in Orlando, FL in the Capitol One Bowl @ 1pm on New Years Day. A Top-1o win season is still a possibility with a win and quite honestly I think we would all be very, very disappointed in nothing less considering the great expectations we had placed on this team coming into/throughout the season.
As a final footnote to this post, I must say that while I have enjoyed ranting about college football throughout this Fall Semester, I do look forward to discussing some of the other local sport teams (aka the Men's and Woman's basketball teams and of course the Falcons, Hawks and Thrashers) in the upcoming weeks with college football wrapping up. While I do realize that this school loves college football #1 and as a result that is what most of you really want to read/discuss, I do wish that I and the rest of the staff gave some of the other sports some love (especially the hopefully playoff-bond Falcons).